miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2019

Baal Zebuth - We Are Satanas

Band: Baal Zebuth
Album Name: We Are Satanas
Year:  2006
Type: Full-lenght
Country: Russia
Genre: Black Metal
Lyrical Themes: Satanism, Death


01. Unholy Metal of Hell 02:55
02. Horns of the Bestial Sign 04:38
03. Trapped in a Coffin 04:29
04. We Are Satanas 03:01
05. The Pestilence of Night 05:57
06. Beyond the Last Circle 07:16
07. Evoke the Kaos Abomination 05:08
08. Somnambulistic Dissolution 07:07
09. Total Fucking Death 03:22

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